Tinian Zero Waste Plan added to the CNMI Data Library

ANNOUNCEMENTS | Feb 05, 2025

The Tinian Zero Waste Plan (TZWP) has been added to the CNMI Data Library. Find the plan here: Tinian Zero Waste Plan.

The TZWP provides a plan for the Municipality of Tinian and Aguiguan to implement zero waste principles. The plan covers the municipality’s existing solid waste and recycling systems, current policies, technical challenges, and recommendations for next steps toward achieving Zero Waste in the municipality.

From the plan: "The island of Tinian is a small community nestled in the heart of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a commonwealth to the United States located in the Western Pacific. Its vibrant population was 2,044 in 2020. Despite its small size, Tinian Island is a prime example of a community where practicality reigns in all decisions, including the decision to embark on a journey towards zero waste planning. This document explores the challenge of “zero waste” on Tinian. It considers approaches to the challenge, focusing on this community's unique characteristics and the necessity of practical approaches to realize its vision."

The TZWP was prepared by Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. (GBB) under contract to the CNMI Office of Planning and Development (OPD) and in collaboration with the Office of the Mayor of Tinian and Aguiguan (MOTA).