Employment Opportunities
Wetland Biologist
The Department of Lands and Natural Resources’ Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) is seeking a full-time Wetland Biologist. The Wetland Biologist will apply appropriate knowledge of biological wetland science to new and existing programs for the information management and conservation of wetland associated wildlife and their habitats in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The position description is posted here.
Interested applicants should contact DFW Wildlife Section Supervisor, Steve Mullin at smullin.cnmi.dfw@gmail.com, to apply or for additional information.
The position will remain open until filled, however, applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and by May 31, 2021 for consideration in the upcoming round of interviews.
Solid Waste
The Department of Public Works (DPW), and the Offices of the Mayors of Tinian, and Rota, in partnership with the Office of Planning and Development (OPD) are announcing the following open positions.
- Senior Solid Waste Engineer
- Junior Solid Waste Engineer
- Tinian Solid Waste Coordinator
- Solid Waste Technical Analyst
- Solid Waste / Smart Safe Growth Planner
- Green Waste and Sustainability Communications Specialist
The position will remain open until filled, however, applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and by May 31, 2021 for consideration in the upcoming round of interviews.