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Agency Meetings
The Planning and Development Advisory Council and our planning partners provide input and guidance on the comprehensive sustainable development planning process. These periodic publicly noticed meetings are open to the public. You can learn more about the PDAC and Planning Partners here.
Garapan Revitalization Project
The Garapan Revitalization Plan aims to transform Garapan into a premier family-friendly destination, featuring a wide range of shopping, dining, entertainment, civic and commercial uses in a world-class beach resort setting that is attractive for visitors and residents. The Plan envisions Garapan affirming its claim as the center of economic activity and the heart of the tourism industry for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Plan aims to reinvigorate the Garapan Revitalization Task Force composed of businesses, residents and government agencies collaborating to alleviate some of the many challenges facing the area.
Community Engagements & Meetings
Community engagement is critical to OPD’s mission to “increase the effectiveness of government and private actions, to improve coordination among different agencies and levels of government and to provide for wise use of resources and future development of the CNMI.” Please check our website’s calendar regularly so you can join upcoming events or sign up to join our email list here. facing the area.