Final Draft Comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan Published – Public Comments Requested by July 22, 2021

June 9, 2021

The Office of Planning and Development was created to help the CNMI plan for a sustainable future. Since its creation in 2017 under Public Law 20-20, OPD and the Planning Development Advisory Council (PDAC) have worked to bring public and private sector entities together in the creation of a Comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan (CSDP) for our islands.

Please view the June 2021 Revised Draft CSDP here.

Comments can be emailed to or submitted on the online contact form here.

Why Do We Need a CSDP?

  • It’s an opportunity to set 10-year sustainable growth goals and objectives from across all sectors to guide development, prioritize needs, and align investment to reflect community values and meet current and future needs.
  • A clear plan can promote smart, safe growth for the community, and a common direction.
  • The CSDP supports coordination between multiple agencies and community groups.
  • The CSDP aims to help reduce risks to people, the economy, and the environment to ensure a sustainable future for all residents.

What is Sustainability?

Planning for a sustainable future means taking many factors into account that affect the well-being of the CNMI’s people, environment, and economy. To do this, OPD is focusing on three key questions:

  1. Are we on track to secure a more sustainable CNMI?
  2. What kind of future do we want to create?
  3. What do we need to do to achieve this future?
CSDP venn diagram
There are many cross-cutting needs and much overlap between planning element areas; for example, equitable and effective education is needed to ensure increases in earning power and grow our economy, which will in turn support improved health and environmental outcomes. In the month ahead, OPD and the PDAC will be holding public meetings to share the Draft Comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan and request YOUR feedback to ensure this living document reflects the visions and objectives of our community and provides a roadmap to achieving these shared goals.

Get Involved!

According to OPD Director Kodep Ogumoro-Uludong, “Part of OPD’s mission is to allow our people a voice and a platform where they can provide input on what they feel is important in planning for today and for future generations. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered both the present and the future of the CNMI, and now, more than ever, is the time to get involved.”

As a community member, there are a number of ways to get involved and make your voice heard.

Learn more and sign up for planning updates through the OPD website or email if you have questions or would like to join a Task Forces or Working Group listserv to receive email updates regarding meetings, review opportunities, and other publications.

Review and comment on the Revised Draft CSDP – community review and comments are requested by July 22, 2021.

Public Meetings will be held virtually and in-person on Tinian, Rota, and Saipan. Please check the OPD calendar for time, location, and registration details or RSVP to with the subject line “Public Meetings” to learn more.

You can view a document with tracked changes from the October revision here.

Trouble accessing the links? We have the full URL and history of plan revisions listed below: